How we work

As a vonlunteer team, we publish some tutorials when we feel it worth it and when we have time to do so. We still free to work on a particular subject whenether we want but we are very mindful of community needs. That’s why we opened our roadmap : to let the community speaks.

We are publishing freely mostly of our work but we doens’t have much time to explain all in details or write articles about it. we’re focusing on what is important for the community and That’s why we prefer to wait for community suggestions and needs.

What could you ask us for

We don’t have knowleges about everything and we surely can’t make good tutorial about any subject. But if you already know about our work, you surely know in which fields we could share experience.

If you’re curious about how we made one of our projects or a part of it, we would be happy to share experience to the community by writing something about it, which could be an article or a tutorial.

If you’re interested about tutorials we made and you think we could go further or write more about this suject, we’re opened to do so as well.

How suggesting

If you think we could work on a particular subject, you could make a proposal through our github :

  • First please have a look at our tutorial roadmap and see if we’re already working on the subject. This will prevent to create doublons.

  • If the subject already exists, please feel free to comment it and vote for it by adding a “+1” on comments you’re agree.

  • If you want to propose a new subject which could be related to an existing MGSX project or not, please create an issue and explain briefly what is the need for such tutorial and which goals it would have to acheieve.

For bug report, feature request on a project hosted on github or bitbucket, please create an issue on the corresponding repository.

How to influence the roadmap

As said before, because it’s a voluntary work, we can’t guarantee any delay or any priority on the roadmap but you can influence decision process in several ways :

  • you can vote on opened issues, we surely take in consideration topics with a high vote rate.

  • you can post a bounty on an issue, we surely prioritize funded topics. Please have a look at our Bounty Source page.